


至少3美元,480,总拨款中的517笔将作为紧急经济援助补助金发放给学生,以支付因冠状病毒导致教学发生重大变化的相关费用. The University has prioritized students with high need to receive these funds. 截至2021年12月31日,已批准总额为3,480,517美元.

大学保证使用不少于3美元,480,在HEERF III学生资助拨款中收到的资金为517美元,用于向学生提供紧急经济援助补助金. The University is prioritizing students with high need to receive these funds.

拼搏体育总共收到了6美元,929,988 .高等教育紧急救济基金通过ARP. 这个总数包括学生和机构的部分.


All students, regardless of Title IV eligible status, were considered eligible for the grant. 这所大学利用了一份申请, which required a written statement about how COVID-19 had impacted them financially. 优先考虑符合佩尔资格的学生, 美国鱼类和野生动物管理局资格, and those who had previously gone through the Professional Judgment process.

As of December 31, 2021, a total of 641 students who applied were eligible for a grant.

The University created an application form and posted the link to it on the 高等教育基金资助常见问题页面. 链接到这里, 以及下面的信息, 在申请期间张贴在Canvas上的内容.

作为COVID-19应对措施的一部分, 如果您因COVID-19而面临重大意外费用,您可能有资格通过美国救援计划获得紧急救援援助. PBA关心我们的学生,并致力于确保任何表现出特殊经济需求的学生在联邦高等教育紧急救济基金(HEERF)赠款下获得奖励. 佩尔和符合联邦勤工俭学条件的学生将优先考虑, but at PBA we recognize that many students and families have been impacted by the pandemic. 

Of the 463 students who applied as of October 15, 2021, all received some portion of the ARP funding. 因为大学优先考虑贫困学生, need was determined and then tiers established in the awarding process, 拨款金额由EFC决定.

  • 33 eligible students who were eligible to file the FAFSA but did not received a $2,6万美元,000)
  • 23 eligible students with an EFC of 30,000+ received a $2,500 grant ($57,500)
  • 16 eligible students with an EFC of 20,000-29,999 received a $3,000 grant ($48,000)
  • 43 eligible students with an EFC of 10,000-19,999 received a $3,500 grant ($150,500)
  • 43名EFC为6分的合资格学生,346-9,999名或没有资格提交FAFSA的人收到了4美元,2万美元,000)
  • 6 eligible students with an EFC of 6,000-6,345 received a $4,500 grant ($27,000)
  • 15 eligible students with an EFC of 5,000-5,999 received a $5,000 grant ($75,000)
  • 14 eligible students with an EFC of 4,000-4,999 received a $5,500 grant ($77,000)
  • 18 eligible students with an EFC of 3,000-3,999 received a $6,000 grant ($108,000)
  • 16 eligible students with an EFC of 2,000-2,999 received a $6,500 grant ($104,000)
  • 22 eligible students with an EFC of 1,000-1,999 received a $7,000 grant ($154,000)
  • 26 eligible students with an EFC of 1-999 received a $7,500 grant ($195,000)
  • 188 eligible students with an EFC of 0 received a $8,000 grant ($1,504,000)

在11月, another round of applications was opened to ensure other needy students were awarded, 剩下的资金都用了. Again, needy students were prioritized 拨款金额由EFC决定.

  • 51 eligible students who were eligible to file the FAFSA but did not received a $750 grant ($38,250)
  • 26 students who were not eligible to file the FAFSA received a $1,600 grant ($41,600)
  • 50 eligible students with an EFC of 20,000+ received a $1,000 grant ($50,000)
  • 166 eligible students with an EFC of 1-19,999 received a $1,600 grant ($265,600)
  • 106 eligible students with an EFC of 0 received a $2,200 grant ($233,200)


下面这封邮件是发给申请ARP助学金的学生的, 根据他们的需求水平通知他们赠款金额,以及如何根据他们在各自学生账户门户中建立的首选退款方式获得赠款. 学生可以选择将助学金申请到他们的学生账户,但必须通过学生的电子邮件授权.

我们有好消息要告诉你!  You will receive the American Rescue Plan (ARP) grant in the amount of [$x,xxx]. 这笔钱将于10月29日分发.


如果您想利用此选项,并将这些资金应用于欠大学的任何当前余额或2021-22秋季费用, 请按以下连结 10月15日.



Answers to frequently asked questions about this grant, including who is eligible, can be found 在这里. 如果您有问题,请联系学生账户.

We are grateful to have you be part of this exceptional academic year. 去旗鱼!

是的,一个 常见问题页面 是在我们网站的COVID信息部分创建的吗.

如果您有任何问题,请发邮件给我们 finaid@xsgw.net.





The University states its assurance that it has used no less than $1,181,在CFDA 84收到的资金523.425 e分配, CRRSAA第314(a)(1)条规定, 为学生提供紧急经济援助助学金. The University prioritized students with high need to receive these funds.

拼搏体育总共收到了3美元,920,083 .通过CRRSAA的高等教育紧急救济基金. 这个总数包括学生和机构的部分.


大学计算出2,354 Title IV eligible students enrolled during the Spring 2020-2021 semester.

Of the 2,354 Title IV eligible students, all received some portion of the CRRSAA funding. Since the University prioritized high need students, tiers were established in the awarding process. The highest need students were those who were Pell eligible; the second tier were those who were 美国鱼类和野生动物管理局资格; the remainder was distributed among all other Title IV eligible students.

  • 756 Pell eligible students received an $800 grant (total of $604,800)
  • 1,085 美国鱼类和野生动物管理局资格 students received a $400 grant (total of $434,000)
  • The remaining 513 Title IV eligible students received a $125 grant (total of $64,125)

还剩下78美元,598美元的剩余资金被分配给有需要的学生,高于一般分配的数额. Studentsts with additional need were, then, asked to submit an application for a Compassion Fund. Of the 66 applicants, all were granted additional funding ranging from $323 to $2,000.

截至7月10日, 2021, 上述支出构成了该机构的最后季度发布,并涵盖了CRRSAA学生资助部分的所有剩余HEERF基金支出.

The email below was sent to PBA students registered for the Spring 2020-2021 semester on March 23, 2021, 根据学生的需求水平,通知他们补助金的数额,以及他们如何根据各自学生账户门户中建立的首选退款方式获得补助金. 学生可以选择将助学金申请到他们的学生账户,但必须通过学生的电子邮件授权.

我们有好消息要告诉你!  You will receive the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act funding, CRRSAA, 金额为___美元. 这笔钱将在未来三周内分发出去.

联邦法规现在允许学生将这些资金直接存入他们的学生账户余额. 如果您想利用此选项并将这些资金应用于欠大学的任何当前余额或作为2021-22夏季或秋季费用的预付款, 请 点击这里 到3月29日. 否则,将根据您向大学提交的首选退款方式,通过支票或直接存入资金.

We recognize that different families have been impacted in various ways. 如果你觉得你有额外的经济负担,而这一分配无法满足你,你可以在3月29日之前在这里申请紧急援助基金.

Answers to frequently asked questions about this grant, including who is eligible, can be found 在这里. 如果您有任何问题,请联系学生账户 student_accounts@xsgw.net.

We are grateful to have you be part of this exceptional academic year.


是的,一个 常见问题页面 是在我们网站的COVID信息部分创建的吗.

如果你有问题,请发邮件至 finaid@xsgw.net.


拼搏体育大西洋收到1美元,181,第703条高等教育紧急救济基金,以支付因冠状病毒导致的教学方式重大变化相关的费用. 该大学使用这些资金来支持我们的Hyflex课程选择以及医疗保健费用,以确保我们的校园安全. Please download the Budget and Expenditure Reporting for more detailed information:




为了向学生提供这些紧急经济援助补助金,大学签署并返回教育部(DOE)认证协议. 该大学保证,根据《拼搏体育官网》第18004(a)(1)条,它已使用不少于50%的资金向学生提供紧急经济援助补助金.

拼搏体育总共收到了1美元,181,703 in Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds through the CARES Act.


大学计算出2,306 Title IV eligible students enrolled during the Spring 2019-2020 semester.


用于确定哪些学生获得紧急经济援助补助金的方法包括春季学期入学的符合第四章资格的学生人数, 没有注册在线课程, 并没有在3月13日之前退出, 2020. All on-ground students were considered to have been affected by the pandemic, so the amount of $512.67在这些人口中平均分配.

The email (below) was sent to PBA students registered for the Spring 2020 semester on June 8, 2020, 通知学生奖学金金额为512美元.67,以及他们如何根据各自学生账户门户中建立的首选退款方式收到退款:

We hope that you are enjoying your summer and that you are staying safe and healthy.


您将获得512美元的关怀法案学生补助金.支票或直接存款, depending on the preferred refund method that you filed with the University. 去 pba.负担得起.com 确认或更改选择.


拼搏体育大西洋已经将100%的关怀法案学生助学金分配给所有符合条件的学生,以支付与校园运营中断相关的费用,包括食品, 住房, 课程材料, 技术, 保健和儿童保健. Answers to frequently asked questions about this grant, include who is eligible, can be found 在这里. 如果您有任何问题,请联系学生账户 student_accounts@xsgw.net.

We look forward to seeing you in August – classes begin on campus August 17, 2020.


Yes, a page 是在我们网站的COVID信息部分创建的吗. 点击这里 去看看.

如果你有问题,请发邮件至 student_accounts@xsgw.net.